Monday, January 6, 2014

Fire-breathing Beast

This dragon was inspired by the poem Beowulf. This specific scene is when Beowulf sets off to fight the dragon.
                                   As usual, I start off with a sketch.

 Dragons have lots of texture, so the next thing I did was work on the belly, the head, and the tail.

 I like to start with the head of the dragon first and then work on the rest of the body. I also add the "lights" as I go.

Finishing the body of the dragon and Beowulf. Next step is to add the fire. 

I created the fire by making light swirls with the Staedtler Lumograph Graphite Drawing pencil- 2B, and I keep adding layers with a 4B and 6B graphite pencil. Then I used my eraser to create the "lights" and make the form of fire. For the background, I used pencil shavings to create a smoky night.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


 I don't usually draw animals and it was a bit of a challenge to draw the wolf's fur. I did not shade much because fur is not smooth so I drew many lines instead.

To get the highlights on the top of the fur and the teeth, I used the eraser of a mechanical pencil. It actually works pretty good to create the lights at the end.

Damon Salvatore

 Damon Salvatore is a vampire from the CW Show The Vampire Diaries.


Another awesome creature from Harry Potter. A Thestral has a skeletal body, face with reptilian features, and wide bat wings.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Fish are friends, not food

Finding Nemo is one of my favorite Pixar movies. I chose to draw the character, Bruce.

Started of with a sketch as usual.

 Shading the teeth in detail. Adding darks is important to show depth and contrast. I used the graphite pencil - 6B.

 Working on the eyes and skin.

Velociraptor Attacking

I started with the top first, texturing the skin and creating the sharp teeth.

 After I finished the Velociraptor, I wanted to add a background.

A rain scene is perfect for a Velociraptor ready to attack; makes it more dramatic.

Captain...Captain Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow is my favorite character of all time. This portrait is definitely one of my favorites so far.